Mumbai worries...Shuttle weather...Iranian nuke offer
MUMBAI, India (AP) There's a shake-up in the Indian government following the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. The Home minister has resigned, and India's prime minister has met with the main political parties to urge unity. He says air and maritime security will be tightened, in the aftermath of the attacks that killed more than 170 people.
MUMBAI, wrecking ball tattoo removal India (AP) A cafe that was one of the targets of terrorists in Mumbai, India, briefly reopened today despite still being riddled with bullet holes. Police asked it to close again because it hasn't gotten permission. At another attack site, a shrine to victims has arisen.
UNDATED (AP) Democratic officials say former President Bill Clinton has agreed to disclosures and restrictions so his wife can be nominated by President-elect Barack Obama tomorrow to be his secretary of State. Many of the constraints concern Bill Clinton's foundation. A top Republican senator, Richard Lugar of Indiana, says he plans to vote to confirm Sen. Clinton.
CAPE CANAVERAL, snoopy tattoo Fla. (AP) Space shuttle Endeavour won't be coming back to Florida today. High windsa stormy forecast caused Mission Control to wave the shuttle off of both possible landing attempts in Florida, rotary tattoo machine well ahead of time. There could be a landing in California later today unless it looks like the weather will allow a Florida landing tomorrow.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) Iran is offering to help its neighboring Arab countries build joint light-water nuclear power plants. It's not clear why Tehran is making the offer, but one reason may be to ease fears about its nuclear intentions. So farthere's no reaction from Iran's neighbors.
(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.) APNP 11-30-08 1048CST | save this article / add to your favorites list
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